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Escape VIP

Create an Escape VIP account and get rewards for relaxing

Escape VIP benefits

  1. Get 10% of each payment back in the form of credit (this also applies to the purchase of gift vouchers).
  2. Make an online reservation and pay later at reception.
  3. Collect and draw credit together with other family members, friends or colleagues.
  4. You have a history of completed massages.
  5. Be the first to know about upcoming events or discounts.

How to use credit?

  1. After accumulating enough credit for the selected procedure, just make a standard reservation. Please let us know if the payment will be made from your Escape VIP account.
  2. You can also purchase gift vouchers for credit.
  3. You can use the credit at any time. It does not expire.
  4. Only services can be paid for in full through credit. Their additional payment is not possible.
  5. Our reception staff will inform you of your current credit status at any time.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the salon’s reception or info@escapemassage.cz. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Creating a VIP account